From Publisher’s Announcement
What links Clorinda to the mysterious disappearance of her
new friend Theresa, in broad daylight, on the streets of New York? What is the
true relationship between high-born, nine-year-old Elise von Alpenberg and her
sinister guardian, Kepler von Thul? Why does young Marthe’s uneasy interview
with the notorious spy, Anthony Blunt, stir up suspicions of complicity against
her boss, the Establishment socialite Barbara Ely? And who is the true Fourth Man?
And what connects Barbara to Constance Bryde, an unfaithful wife enmeshed in
the cat-and-mouse surveillance operations of a divorce solicitor’s enquiry
agent? Or how will jilted mistress, Rhona, deliver a long-overdue comeuppance
to her Significant Other, the supercilious on-screen Talking Head? And who, you
may well wonder, is the next doomed subject of portraitist Deverell-Hewells’s
murderous thoughts? And, finally, can Nina discreetly maintain the façade that
hides the eternal triangle of her complicated lovelife? These questions and
more are answered in Eisner’s third series of mordant case histories intimately
documenting bizarre dramas triggered by the subclinical dependencies of
disturbed minds.
Published this year
Pages : 244pp
Format : Paperback
Trim Size : 203 x 127mm
Publisher : Salt Publishing (21 Jan. 2015)
Language : English
ISBN-10 : 1844719626
ISBN-13 : 978-1844719624
From Publisher’s Clippings File for Catherine Eisner’s Fiction
A meticulous recorder of behaviour, pitch-perfect on accents and the faultlines between class, sex and age, Eisner imbues each account with an unsettling verisimilitude that reaches its peak in ‘An Unreined Mind’.
Cathi Unsworth The Guardian
Eisner’s collection is subtitled, Hidden Lives of Love, Madness, Murder, Loss and Deception, and while the sense of madness and loss is amplified by the book’s extraordinary and disturbing cover, there is also a tremendous sense of fun here. The title story is the last testament of its asexual narrator. It’s a odd story, full of strange characters and erotic imagery: the narrator’s husband refers to her as his ‘long noodle’, and poor Uncle Irving’s body has to be identified by dental records – all that is left of him is his toupee. The stories in this collection are dark and the characters are ‘driven by bizarre and sometimes criminal compulsions.’
Carys Bray Postnatal Confession
I’ve long been an admirer of Catherine Eisner’s piquant and highly original fictions in the literary journal, ‘Ambit’, and of her singularly rich pictorial and sensuous prose. Here at last she is given a very much broader canvas for her character studies of women at the end of their tether, though it’s the minute detail of their dysfunctional, drug-dependant (and even criminal) lives I admire so much.
Johanna Behrendt Editor
Eisner herself intrigues me almost as much as her work. This is because she is profoundly knowledgeable in so many different fields: she understands the pop scene of the 1960s; she obviously knows a lot about the publishing industry; she exhibits more than a passing acquaintance with a wide range of ‘mind-altering substances’; she is erudite, although she wears her learning lightly, pronouncing telling mots justes upon the giants (and some of the minnows) of Western civilisation’s authors, artists and musicians across many centuries; she understands Latin and several European languages besides English; she has an acute ear for dialect (in A Bad Case, southern Irish, especially) as well as the varying cadences of speech that derive from differences in social standing; and, if she has not lived among the British aristocracy, she has clearly had opportunities to observe it at first hand. Wow!
Christina James Crime Novelist
Eisner has mastered the twist in the tale and her stories cascade vividly into derangement.
Cameron Woodhead The Age
. . . a genuinely unsettling voice, at once comic, intelligent and slightly, scarily deranged . . . a true technical triumph.
Kate Clanchy MsLexia
Erotic . . . enthralling . . . very pictorial . . . very original.
Neville Marten Ink
Extracts from Narrative (Pages 145 – 196 A Bad Case)
In the humdrum is the beginning of murder.
Since breakfast, by slow degrees, a dark cloud had descended upon my consciousness, assuming a quality of sinister significance to which I was compelled to give thought.
I shivered, and at last conceded that an acute and homicidal hatred, with all the cunning of actual lunacy, now exercised an absolute mastery over my will.
I removed my fountain-pen from the breast pocket of my medical white coat and marked an X on the breakfast tablecloth beneath an offensively large bread crumb.
Just then I did not wish to be reminded of my marriage to Ingrid but once the idea had gripped my mind no steps I took could shake it off.
For mad I most certainly was that morning of the abandoned breadcrumb.
Once the grotesque problem of murder began to dominate my thoughts, it haunted me like a presence, and temptation grew apace.
The descent into Hell is easy.
Do I need to describe my wife when an artist greater than myself has captured her essence . . . It’s a living likeness! For long ago she had reached that moment in the passage of a woman’s life when, as it is said, the mirror no longer returns the expected consoling reflection and, therefore, must be turned to the wall.
Royal Portraitist Prof. Anthony Deverell-Hewells
Now You See It, Now You Don’t.
Catherine Eisner believes passionately in plot-driven suspense fiction, a devotion to literary craft that draws on studies in psychoanalytical criminology and psychoactive pharmacology to explore the dark side of motivation, and ignite plot twists with unexpected outcomes.
see Eisner’s Sister Morphine (2008)
and Listen Close to Me (2011)