She was the light of my life, my only child,
and now I live in darkness.
I exist but I am not alive.
There is never a day
when she is not my first thought
when I awake.
I feel like my heart has broken into a thousand pieces.
I can’t believe she will never walk through
our door alive again.
Never will I forget her.
Not until the end of my life.
There is no reason on God’s earth for this.
Honest to God,
I wish there was justice.

The last time I prayed was in the Lady Chapel at Ely cathedral where all the statues in their niches and the ‘superstitious’ shrines are destroyed. They were smashed by the iconoclasts following the Dissolution. It’s a barren, soulless spot to choose for prayer. I wonder what Jung would have thought?
The prayer is from
The Three-Tiered Grave
Sister Morphine (2008)
Catherine Eisner believes passionately in plot-driven suspense fiction, a devotion to literary craft that draws on studies in psychoanalytical criminology and psychoactive pharmacology to explore the dark side of motivation, and ignite plot twists with unexpected outcomes. Within these disciplines Eisner’s fictions seek to explore variant literary forms derived from psychotherapy and criminology to trace the traumas of characters in extremis. Compulsive recurring sub-themes in her narratives examine sibling rivalry, rivalrous cousinhood, pathological imposture, financial chicanery, and the effects of non-familial male pheromones on pubescence,
see Eisner’s Sister Morphine (2008)
and Listen Close to Me (2011)