Showing posts with label shamanism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shamanism. Show all posts

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Winter Rules and Le Diable Boiteux.

Another excerpt from my as-yet-unpublished crime novel, D-r Tchékhov, Detektiv, see

This long lost crime novel by Chekhov (he, himself, referred to such a work in progress in 1888) charts the misadventures of morphia-addict, D-r Anton Tchékhov, aged 28 years, as he investigates the mysterious duelling death of an aristocratic cadet in a remote snowbound northern garrison. In a contest between the animistic pagan beliefs of a Cheremissian shaman-medicineman and his own psychopathological insights as a graduate doctor, Tchékhov, weakened by tubercular fevers and drug dependency, succeeds in solving the case and saving the life of a young prostitute, Mariya.  
     In this extract we catch up with him as he leaves the garrison ballroom late at night in answer to the General’s order for the attendance of a doctor at the duelling ground.


In the lobby Anton saw Mariya’s shoulders shake in solitary weeping. 
     He would very much have liked to take her in his arms ; to relive even for one second the breathless span of their mis-tryst.   
     Tears stained the dark red silk of her basquine ; the skirt’s belt was studded with bright rivets like a prison door. 
     He felt a quickening of the pulse, instinct with desire.
     The General brought his guest the adjutant’s polushubok – a short sheepskin coat – which Anton hastily buttoned on, pausing only to cover his dancing pumps with his galoshes.
     The gasoliers effloresced as the General opened the door.

Winter Rules
To a hungry man with a drunken headache whose every nerve shatters at the sound of breaking glass, the moon can appear, after a banquet, as an unbroken dish of slops above the rooftops. 
     So the moon appeared to D-r Tchékhov.
     Anton stood where he was bid – en prise – a hired hand waiting to be taken.
     A meteor fell and he winced as shooting pains attacked his right arm, but whether this was due to the tightness of the adjutant’s coat or his hacking cough he could not be sure.
     The General shouted for escorts to form an undertaker squad. Odd to see the General in ancient felt top-boots yet still cutting a dash in his swagger uniform.
     Shivering in third-wear uniforms and government-issue camelhair hooded bashlyki, two young ensigns, and the two bruised angel-faced recruits relieved from punishment fatigues – now thoroughly shorn and chastened – unstrapped a stretcher from the ambulance wagon’s kit of nosilki.
     Supreme in his vicegerency, the General beckoned to Tchékhov to fall into line.
     The two ensigns formed the vanguard, each carrying a bull’s-eye kerosin lantern with a reflector which sent lampblack shadows swinging in the moonlight.
     The party advanced through an inner archway and across a court towards an embattled parapet between two gun embrasures where, by a snow-covered merlon, a dark robed penitent stood with bowed head awaiting their approach.
     At the sight of a priest, Anton – as ever – shivered in apprehension. His right shoulder continued to twinge, and a new pain gnawed at his left subclavicular region ; all the conclusive signs, in truth, of the incipient tuberculosis his conscious mind had dismissed.*
     However, he could not fail to be aware of the fact that the inflammation of his leg had not subsided and, in consequence, his limp was, to his burning shame, growing hourly more pronounced.  
     To be outrun by a priest was more than he could bear.
     The General had called for the college chaplain as soon as they were clear of the ballroom, with precise orders to seal a vow from him of absolute discretion.
     Father Abiathar (so named with forlorn expectations by his Bishop) had all the bored manner of a priest who was feeling Mondayish even though it was a Saturday, and his eyes (Anton thought) had the cunning look of a mendicant prior dismissed for simony who had been driven to peddle indulgences in bulk.
     His cincture was tight over his grain-sack belly and he smelled of pickled herring. His breath declared the buffet had allowed him a skinful of the chasse-cousin rotgut they reserved for the clergy.
     ‘Nowadays our fellows crawl out from all sorts of unexpected holes,’ said the General, sotto voce
     The General spoke gravely of their special mission and ordered the priest to bless his six-man snatch-squad. 
      As the only two non-combatants present, Father Abiathar and D-r Tchékhov were assigned to the rear of the column.
      Anton thought : ‘Like flies, a doctor or a priest can enter any house. Just as the the First Functionary of the Empire, the Secret Police Chief Count Shuvalov, had a right of Audience, by day and night, with the Tsar and could walk into the Emperor’s cabinet or bedchamber at any hour without risking his imperial displeasure. In this we share the advantage of the house-fly. We enter unannounced and roam at will.’
      Anton had learned from the General that the priest was called Brimstone by the students and most of the Camp. 
     He was tolerated yet heartily loathed.
     ‘It’s as useless as shooting at ravens as clergy,’ the General had said.
     To augment his meagre salary of one hundred and fifty roubles a year there were innumerable fees this Levite could exact, and he fined soldiers fifteen kopecks who had not communicated in Lent, and likewise extracted dues from the Old Ritualists.
      After he pocketed his fee the priest would wring his hands and lower his eyes like a monk who held the Chair for Abjectness. 
      ‘He speaks as though he would creep into one’s mouth,’ the General had added in disgust.
      The Levitical caste was a subject of continuing fascination for Anton and he committed to memory the details of Brimstone’s broad-brimmed, wideawake hat, his large heavy boots, the patched, dingy brown cassock and coarse hodden-gray over-mantle attached to a worn capuche which clung to his head to protect his ears.  
      Within these fuscous robes Father Abiathar concealed his priestcraft : a portable altar in a satchel, a miracle-working triptych from his collection of tchudotvornikh icons, and a crucifix wrapped in his stole, which he clutched for warmth, his hands thrust up his sleeves.
      A series of steps descended the ramparts to a path leading to the forest edge.
      They stepped out on to a tableland laid with linen-white snow.
      Under the soaring revetment the soldiers’ lamps guided them to the first of the raised logging roads covered in impacted snow.
      To keep his spirits up (and to terrify the body-snatching crew) the General sang, in his staunchest basso profundo, a verse by Nekrasov :

            In the sepulchres, King Winter said,
            With flowers of ice I deck the dead ;
            I freeze the blood in the living veins,
            And in living heads I freeze the brains.

And, as he sang, Anton’s blood, too, seemed to turn to ice as the party struck out from the shelter of the garrison and stepped into the teeth of a north wind.
     ‘In cold like this it’s Winter Rules!’ the General shouted grimly.
      Anton painfully limped ahead, outstripped the column, and drew abreast of the General who linked arms.  The two men put their heads down to face the whip of the wind.
     ‘Ten paces is the minimum but the Prince would have been perfectly within his rights to shoot at eight. At minus twenty degrees your hand’s so palsied by the chills, and the light’s so dim, that – even if you were to find a line of sight to guide your aim – you’d be more likely to wing the other fella’s second!’
     The path – lined with stunted birch and pine – began to fall away sharply. Tchékhov realised the solid going underfoot was due to successive squads of cadets beating a path to the exercise grounds which lay ahead. A deceptive surface was sprinkled with a powdering of diamond-glinting snow.  
     Beneath his feet was a skin of trodden ice which covered the tangled dead sedges, dried cotton grass and other reliquiæ of a muskeg.
     They crossed a boundary rail polished by friction from generations of Academy cadets. Anton noticed the General’s eyes never ceased to search the snow for signs of the duellists’ trail.
     The General found his second wind and, to pass the time, began to tell of sporting contests he had witnessed when he was a cadet. 
     ‘There was young Nezlobin – a very small youth – who had a dispute with his classmate Mychetzky, who was very stout. Words ran high on both sides, so little Nezlobin calls him out. Mychetzky, however, won’t have it. You are so little, he said, that I might fire at you a dozen times without hitting, whereas, the chance is that you may shoot me at the first fire.’ To convince you I don’t want to take advantage of you, says little Nezlobin, you shall chalk my size upon your body, and all hits out of the ring shall go for nothing! 
     Anton laughed with delight. The General paused and offered a swig from his hip-flask which Anton declined.
     ‘My God, you’re an incorporated temperance society!’ exploded the General. 
     But, under the pretext of coughing into his handkerchief, Anton managed to take a deep pull from Old Vańuška’s berézovka.  
      Soon his veins were on fire.
      ‘They were always sparring,’ resumed the General. ‘Mychetzky broke his ankle once, falling off his horse. Blamed Nezlobin for crossing his path on an exercise so they set to wrangling once more. So Nezlobin challenges him and Mychetzky accepted.  But being very lame, Mychetzky requests that he might have a prop. Suppose, says he, I lean against this road sign. Nezlobin, then points to a farther sign at a cross-roads a verst distant and says, With pleasure, on condition that I may lean against the next.’  The joke settled the quarrel. A pity the same could not be said of the Prince.’

Le Diable Boiteux.

Curiously, at that moment, they, too, reached a junction where their path joined a corduroy road from the forest which led to the garrison by a lower route. Here, at last, two sets of footprints were visible, entering and leaving a gate giving on to the exercise grounds.   
     The old frontier scout released a grunt of satisfaction.
     ‘The Prince’s footsteps. Small heels. Impression of spurs in the deeper places. Let’s follow the scent.’
      The single set of tracks leading to the butts was regularly paced yet the returning tracks were of a different character, suggesting the dragging left foot of a limping man, so the General concluded.
     ‘Le Diable Boiteux!’ Anton whispered.
     Most fascinating of all, the two sets of tracks became three at a point where they passed close to a prostrate pine and other fagotage and led beyond, across a terrain broken by hairy tussocks and the fallen shafts of reed clumps. 
     To Anton, the springiness of their prints on the quaggy snow suggested the mossy ground and slippery pine needles underneath.
     ‘Ahah!’ exclaimed the General. ‘Enter Kulikov.’
     ‘How can you be so sure?’ urged Tchékhov, immediately rushing to the defence of the young Class-Lance-Corporal Pomidorchik.  
     The bearer party halted.
     ‘Understand this, Antosha,’ the General knelt beside the meeting place, ‘the first set of tracks pauses here, heels close together, then continues in the same direction, suggesting the acknowledgement by a senior of a junior officer’s salute.’ 
     He straightened, stiffly, and continued.
     ‘Do-ye-see? Kulikov takes the shortcut through the forest, meets up with his adversary, salutes, crosses the tracks from the rear and joins the Prince on the lefthand side.’
     ‘I don’t see how...’
     ‘Regulations. Quote : When officers are walking together, the junior officer should at all times position himself on the left so the senior officer’s saluting arm is disengaged. See?’
     ‘Perfectly. Our Imperial Table of Ranks is even written on the remotest Russian snow.’
     Anton rubbed his eyes. He saw only – imperfectly – that the muddle of the tracks in the snow was like a profusion of those slovenly typographical misprints on a galley proof with which he was so familiar – and which he was too fatigued to correct. 
     And Kulikov?  Where was he?
     ‘In quod. Under lock and key.’

*    In fact, as was later proved, the right lung was badly affected, and emphysema was found to have spread to the left lung. At the end of Tchékhov’s life a relapse of pleurisy was complicated by an intestinal catarrh which indicated that the tuberculosis had spread to the abdominal region.

†    ‘Father of Excellence” - see Samuel xxiii, 9.

Saturday 8 February 2014

‘Khar-r-r-kai! Khar-r-r-kai! Khar-r-r-kai! Khaos!’ Chekhov’s talking raven.

News promoted by a recent BBC wildlife documentary claiming that the Corvus genus of the Corvidæ family – crows and ravens – boasts the most intelligent creatures to be found anywhere in the animal kingdom – both in the lab and in the wild – jolted a memory . . . and I recalled the penultimate chapter of my as-yet-unpublished crime novel, D-r Tchékhov, Detektiv, in which a talking raven’s prophecies awaken in the writer atavistic instincts that defy his own psychopathological insights as a graduate doctor and draw him closer to the animistic pagan beliefs of a Cheremissian shaman-medicineman.

In the following passage, D-r Anton Tchékhov, aged 28 years, having investigated the mysterious duelling death of an aristocratic cadet in a remote snowbound northern garrison, mounts up to observe the burial party.

An Unwreathed Burial.

Huge flickering shadows danced like elusive spirits over the Prince’s shroud.
    The cadets, Kulikov and Toichina, handed their torches to the ritual torch-bearer, and mounted as one. On their backs were strapped entrenching tools.
    In the moonlight, their horses had a silver sheen, a pale metallic bloom.
    Snow began to fall. 
    Old Ivanishche plunged his spurs into his steed and, with a persuasive word, tugged at the traces.
    The sledge went burrowing through the storm carrying its grisly load.
    Tchékhov shrugged, thumbed in the direction of the old feldsher and, in a husky solemn voice which veiled his drollery, said to the General : Over the grand panslavic plain roams a race of mischievous men.
    From the General a half groan was followed by a horse laugh.
    Now and again the moon showed through the snow clouds gathering above the forest.
    Where the lower track descended to the exercise grounds the burial duty sheered away through the gap in the boundary fence.
    Kulikov raised his hands smartly to his cap.  Neither prince nor plebeian, he played his part well, without gaucherie – with natural grace – a dash of the Oriental in the uniform of the Occident, patrolling the pregnable western wall of his Tsar’s empire.
    Under the hood, in the shadows of the grey cloak, the cavernous grin of Old Vańuška widened and yawned like Death himself.
    ‘I saw Death mounted on horseback and did not draw back,’ breathed Anton pensively, his words turning to ice.
    Ivanishche stabbed his finger at the dead body.
    ‘A kucher daresn’t stop when he’s harnessed to a soul.’ He larraped the shaft-horse and the attendant cadets galloped after at a fast lick favoured by a following wind like two outriders of the gale.
    ‘Death gleans men, one after another,  Anton thought, ‘it knows its business.’
    The watching figure paused until the riders vanished, moved by an impulse to chase their strange journeying to the last post.    
    Some things were to be seen but once in the great game, he brooded, and it was worthwhile seeing them, even if life were the shorter for it.
    Anton kept well into the shadows of the trees fringing the side of the path.
    Ahead of him he could hear Ivanishche singing in a cracked voice a chant du cosaque composed by the hard-drinking Cossack leader Davidoff at the time of Napoleon’s disastrous retreat from Moscow.

Half a kopeck for the master,
Silver on the horse’s feet,
Good oats for the charger fleet ;
A crust for you – you’ll ride the faster.
   (‘A crust,’ mused Anton. Now Ivanishche was out of earshot of the Camp, the Tcheremis apostate must be referring to his humiliating, enforced vow of allegiance to the Tsar. Anton knew that any unbelievers among the new conscripts were forced at gunpoint to eat bread from the blade-tip of the adjutant’s sword, and repeat : ‘Thank you for bread and salt ... Spasibo za khleb da sol.’)
    Their massy shadow like a rolling black ball bowled along the length of the duelling pitch at which point the cantering hacks were swallowed by the greater shadow of the vast forest.
    They were moving at a break-neck pace, high-tailing it through the trees, Kulikov running a short hair second. The only way Anton could distinguish them in the darkness was the fact that the rump of Ivanishche’s horse had a white patch, and that the entrenching tool by his side glinted at a certain angle.
    So much ice had become attached to the hoofs of Old Roarer, that the unfortunate creature seemed to be walking on stilts, no two of which were the same length, and, to make matters worse, Anton had almost lost all feeling in his own extremities due to the intense cold.  He should have liked to walk on foot to restore his circulation but he could not for he feared losing the party among the trees.
    Soon the éskort emerged on to open ground, a vast snowy plain of infinite desolation, and the shadow of a ridge appeared on which could be seen the dark outlines of the tumuli which marked the site of the ancient burial grounds.
    At the foot of the rise was an abandoned fortalice, the forpost of the garrison’s western defences and, since the cholera epidemic, unoccupied save for crows and ravens.
    A raven, rousant, perched on one of the isolation huts took wing.
    (During those cholera months, a scene had presented itself, the General had said, which few minds could conceive or pens depict. ‘The ghastly countenances of those poor fellows presented a dismal sight, their sunken eyes ever darting after you, beseeching assistance.’ Ivanishche had worked like a madman, unthinking of the danger, administering relief by pouring water over the livid bodies of soldiers labouring under the pangs of premature dissolution, their faces dewed with the cold and clammy damp of death. In the final days, only Ivanishche had summoned the courage to remain beside the pallets of his charges, as they died in agony, and only Ivanishche had walked alive from that dreadful place.)
    When Tchékhov neared the crown of the ridge he saw the stars had ceased their pulsing and shone steadily on a slope of scattered graves.
    A huge mass of rock projected on the north eastern face.
    Drawing closer to the cemetery, and shielded by a kurgan barrow which broke the skyline, Anton was able to observe the gravediggers about their tasks, as the old feldsher dismounted from the rusty roan and unloaded his grim cargo.
    ‘Lay ’im on them big stones,’ Kulikov was instructed by his mentor.
    Anton heard a crunt from a cudgel as the feldsher smashed the ice, then Old Ivanishche, raised his axe to cleave the frozen soil for the grave.
    Anton could distinguish the Tcheremis graves from the rest, as their plots lay feet-first to the southeast with their headstones to northwest.
    In that Golgotha there were skulls of all sizes. The unconsecrated plots lay between the cholera cemetery and the Jewish burial ground, the furthermost from the town, where the collapsed sarcophagi – with their indecipherable pseudo-Hebraic inscriptions memorialising long departed hakams – had fallen into the vaults beneath, until the exilic graves had become, Anton mused, like ‘...tombs even of themselves’, recalling Goethe’s essay in a schoolbook, printed more than half a century earlier.
    On the ground, outside the cholera victims’ enclosure, a sleigh in which the soldiers’ corpses had been carried, and pieces of wood remaining from the boards used to make the coffins, had been left to rot (for they were not burnt according to superstition lest the faces of the corpses became blistered).
    The Tcheremis burial ground – their sacred šügarla - was a forlorn bare place without any fenced reshetka ; and in place of the Christian krestel – the grave cross – was a mensur of undressed rock.
    Evidently, the Tcheremis yüzo had chosen the grave site with care.
    By the light of the carriage lamp on the sleigh the men quickly broke the ice-lens beneath the surface snow, and penetrated the softer strata of an interpermafrost talik which lay unfrozen below.
    Judging from the burial tailings from the dig, which appeared to steam, a thermal spring flowed through the ice core at this point.
    The Prince was buried unwreathed.
    Tchékhov overheard Old Vańuška’s muttered explanation to Kulikov : ‘Khadoško keäš.’*
    Anton murmured : ‘Just as I shall lie alone in my grave so shall I live alone.’
    There was no ceremony ; no Mass of Requiem ; simply the cries of a raven.
    ‘Khar-r-r-kai! Khar-r-r-kai! Khar-r-r-kai! K-k-kopai awk-up, k-k-koldan! O-o-rrt, khr-r-romoi, khor-r-roniat kr-r-raplenogo kor-r-rju kovar-r-rnogo kr-r-rasavtsa-fr-r-ranta! Sokr-r-rushenniy! Pokar-r-ranniy! Jar-r-r-r - Kor-r-rak, kur-r-rier kar-r-ry. k-kar-r-rkayu kr-r-rah i Khaos!’
    Ivanishche laughed, inexplicably, as the shaman put the Prince to bed with a shovel at last, buried with his teeth upward, facing southeast.
    ‘Quork!’ the raven cried.
    Anton observed Old Ivanishche toss a crust on to the burial mound, and place an abundant supply of cooked leavings on the grave to discourage the return to the barracks of the famished spirit of the departed.
    ‘R-r-a-ab!’§ the raven jeered, seizing one of the offerings.
    ‘Ra-ab!’ yelled Ivanishche in the same malevolent voice and shook his fist.

    When Anton turned the mare and piloted her towards the railhead, the last glimpse of Ivanishche he was destined to carry with him was of the Tcheremis warlock spitting thrice into the pit to sanctify the new-made grave.
    The mare seemed to know the way and they passed beyond the dissenter’s tombstones where rude wreaths hung upon little pine crosses.
    An upspringing breeze caught a garland and cast it over the edge of a bluff which, as he advanced, to Anton’s surprise, was revealed to be carved by the upper reaches of the river.
    Below, beside a log chute, were the wreaths of the departed, clinging to a spit of ice thick enough to bear a railway train.
    A dark wreath, encircled with a saw-edge of ice, detached itself and began to drift downstream.
    ‘Such a beginning, such an end.’
    Anton’s words were stopped by a ruckling cough, and he shuddered, thinking of the youth’s eternal sleep, his mouth full of mould, reduced to adipocere in a pit.
    He shivered.
    Fresh horns of ice several inches thick had formed on the nose of the mare and he urged her forward.
    He had no wish to remain a moment longer at this dismal spot and dwell upon his own end ; his heart suddenly leapt with a passion and he gripped the harness fiercely, shaken by the knowledge that he had no other mortal wish than the desire to probe life ever deeper, to live it to the full, to race the whole gamut of experiences, follies, loves, and sacrifices, to squeeze the orange dry, and then to die quite young, having gone the full compass, the needle pointing home.


*    To die by one’s own hand is ‘to die out of grace’ (Tcheremiss).
    On the contrary, quite explicable, when compared with Tchékhov’s transliterated raven cries. (See Glossary below. ) The cries resemble in Russian : ‘Spit! Spit! Spit! Dig your trench, O Wizard! Look there, Lame One! There is buried the treacherous beau-galant, blighted with sores! Failed! Punished! I, Korak, messenger of retribution, prophesy failure and Chaos!’ 
    ‘Korka’ means ‘Crust of bread’.
§    The cry resembles ‘Rab’, meaning ‘Slave’. 

Glossary of Raven Speech

Tchékhov’s study of ravens is documented at length in his private writings, a product, perhaps, of his bird-hunting youth and his visits to the Taganrog bird market as a child. The caging of wild songbirds is a Russian custom which Tchékhov was never to abandon, and his deepest affection was reserved for the family Corvidæ – indeed, his affinity with ravens extends further ; like Tchékhov they share a gift for mimicry and may live over forty years. (Tchékhov was to die in his forty-fourth year.)
    Significantly, a talking raven is mentioned in Tchékhov’s story, After the Theatre, 1892, and, in this same year, to satisfy his reawakening animism, he acquired a tame crow, ‘Karkasha’ and a raven, ‘Voron Voronovich’.
    Cheremisian and Russian raven legends are recorded in his notebooks :

The onomatoeic ‘Kh'er’ correlates closely with the stem present in most  European words for ‘raven’. Greek = korax. Tcheremis = korak.  Old Icelandic = krakr, &c. That magical powers are attributed to the raven Old Vańuška had learned from Mari folklore, particularly, I suspect, the fable of the resurrection of a dismembered corpse. The Mari people believe strongly that a raven digs a hole in the ground to find the source of the Water of Life ; that is why the raven lives so long. If a man’s limbs are severed the Tcheremis sends a raven with a bowl to bring back the Water of Life to make the man whole again. Is this why Vańuška feared the powers of the raven? It is the custom of the Tcheremis to wash themselves on Easter eve, ‘before the raven washes himself’, that is why the Mari people retire to bed early.  They wish to use the Water of Life before the raven reaches it.  When there is a drought the Tcheremisians make Raven’s kasha so the ravens bring them rain. The cult of the all-seeing raven, I believe, will never die. To possess ‘raven’s knowledge’ is to be truly wise.
    Following this passage, on the next page, Tchékhov notes the ability of his caged raven to imitate human calls and even, the barking of a dog.  ‘The raven, after he was caught, I saw had been clearly separated from a distraught mate who distantly mimicked her captive partner’s idiosyncratic alarm calls with astonishing exactitude to prompt a response and locate her beloved.
     ‘The complete transliteration of a Russian raven’s speech is a task which I regard with the greatest gravity. I trust I will be granted time on earth to complete my research and to publish the prophetic utterances I have brought to light which I dare not breathe to a soul until I have exhausted every effort to establish contact with these supranatural beings, and succeed in knowing their ways with the same facility as

                               Transliterated Sound
     Resembles (Russian)      
                                                                     Awk!      oko (eye)
                                                               Awk-up!      okop (trench)
                                              Ggaagga-ggaagga!     Garotting
                                                                    Kaah!      See “Kar-kat!”
                                                         Kakoy krah!
     kakoi (what, which, how)
     kak-to (one day, somehow)
     karkat (to hawk up phlegm)
     khor (chorus)
     kur'er (messenger)
     kopeyka (kopeck = penny)
     krak (financial crash ; bankruptcy ; failure)
     krap (specks or marks made by    
                                                                                      card-sharper on deck of cards)
     krik (cry, shout)
     korka (crust of bread, poverty)
     kort (court) kurit' (smoke)
     kurort (spa)
     kukovat (to “cuckoo” ; to drag out 
                                                                                       a lonely existence)
     kvakat (to croak, to prophecy ill)
     kii (cue)
                                                  Nakh-rrnm!      Nigynam (Tcheremis = ‘Nevermore’)
     Nyukh (scent)
     Vo't (There! Now! There is!)
     prok (use, benefit)
     rab (slave)

For a further extract from the manuscripts of D-r Tchékhov, Detektiv, see also Dead Wife, New Hat at 
and D-r Tchékhov, Detektiv. A long lost novel . . . 
and Inductive Detection . . . 
and Winter Rules . . .

Catherine Eisner believes passionately in plot-driven suspense fiction, a devotion to literary craft that draws on studies in psychoanalytical criminology and psychoactive pharmacology to explore the dark side of motivation, and ignite plot twists with unexpected outcomes. Within these disciplines Eisner’s fictions seek to explore variant literary forms derived from psychotherapy and criminology to trace the traumas of characters in extremis. Compulsive recurring sub-themes in her narratives examine sibling rivalry, rivalrous cousinhood, pathological imposture, financial chicanery, and the effects of non-familial male pheromones on pubescence, 
and Listen Close to Me (2011)